Darnell Craig

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“what we have seen and heard we proclaim to you also, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus Christ.”

‭‭1 JOHN‬ ‭1:3‬ ‭NASB‬‬

Genuine Christianity is an ongoing, experiential, personal relationship with God as Father. God has to be experienced not explained. Christianity is about a direct relational connection with the Father empowered through the Son Jesus Christ. The Scriptures tell us that all believers have the capacity to know God and that the anointing who is the Holy Spirit has the main responsibility of teaching us. Out of these private lessons we are empowered to be witnesses of the truth and the realities we have been initiated into. Christianity has been given such a bad name in this hour because of the pseudo-spirituality from which we function but this was never the will of the Father. Mainstream Christianity has become about sensationalism, materialism, legalism, cosmopolitanism, rationalism and theology. Biblical Christianity was about encounter, experience, expansion and influence. Christianity is a mutually beneficial indwelling of the Godhead in the body of the believer. The believer benefits by experiencing divinity and transfiguration; the Godhead benefits by expansion of influence and having a space for manifestation. When you receive Jesus Christ you also receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken which longs for manifestation and expression through your physical body. This is the beauty of Christianity; we are freed from the limitations of a lower plane of existence yet empowered to transform and influence this dimension by functioning from a higher dimension. However the only way we will be able to change culture, society and the world is through developing our relationship with the Father. Relational connection with the Father isn’t developed through countless hours of study or by memorizing innumerable passages of Scriptures; relationship with the Father is developed by prayer, worship and meditation. The Scriptures aren’t how we get closer to God but rather how we learn about God. Learning information about a person and developing relationship with a person are two different things although you can always use what you learn to develop deeper relationship. Because of the Greek origins of our culture we have been deceived into thinking that the more knowledge we possess the more powerful we are; when in actuality the more intimacy we possess the more we will become like our Father. True knowledge comes from His presence and His presence alone; even the knowledge outside of His presence should lead us into His presence so that He can teach us more about what we have learned. The posture we must have to establish genuine relationship is that of an child. Jesus tells us that we when we pray we should perceive God as our Heavenly Father. What is the benefit of this? The Father hides things from the wise and the prudent but reveals them to babes. If we acknowledge God as our Father and have a heart posture of humility we qualify ourselves to be taught directly of Him and from this private tutelage we mature into sonship. God has to be experienced and not explained; God has never needed to be explained. If we proclaim who He is God will always introduce Himself. If after the initial introduction the introduced desires deeper relationship the Father will take the initiate under His tutelage and teach them His ways, His truths and His paths. Christianity is an ever-expanding, ever deepening experiential relationship with the Son Jesus Christ and God the Father through the Holy Spirit. What’s experienced never has to be explained! And if we are thrust into an situation where explanation is absolutely necessary what better way to explain than out of deepening, ongoing direct experience! Beloved the things the Father wants you to speak of are the things you have seen, heard and personally experienced; this is what being a witness truly means. A true witness can impact and change lives! Position yourself for experience and allow the Father to reveal the deep and secret things of the kingdom of heaven to you; if you do so your life will never be the same!